Enabling you to digitize your cooperative activities.

We use technology to empower cooperative societies, to empower their members to do more and better.

Unlock cooperatives

Enhancing the productivity of Rwandan cooperatives through digital solutions.

For Cooperatives

Copa offers a range of benefits for both cooperative administrators and members.

Improved communication, enabling better member-administrator and stakeholder-member communication
Transparent financial reporting, enabling members to track their contributions and financial statements
Easy access to cooperative information for members from anywhere, at any time

For Partners

Copa offers seamless cooperative management, enabling administrators to manage their operations efficiently.

the problem landscape

Rwandan cooperatives play a key role in social-economic transformation.

some facts

The latest statistics highlight the cooperative sector's extensive reach, with over 10,000 cooperatives and 5.2 million members who've collectively amassed over 52.7 billion Rwf in share capital.

without copa

Rwandan cooperatives face significant hurdles. Many lack proper bookkeeping, affecting asset and financial management and making auditing challenging. This mismanagement leads to misuse or loss of funds and assets.

About us
our solution

Copa is designed to enable efficient operations for administrators and easy access for members.

Easy member management and access to member information

A user-friendly alternative to the spreadsheet-like software you will find elsewhere, Membership management, recurring billing, Email and text messaging, session booking, and much more.

Financial Tracking

With our platform, users effortlessly track their finances, monitor transactions, and analyze spending patterns with ease, and precision.

Sales report

Provides summaries and detailed views of sales data, enabling administrators to monitor trends and assess performance.

Inventory management 

Allows for streamlined handling of member profiles, registration, and activity tracking.


Offers tools for effective communication between members and administrators, enhancing collaboration.

Customer testimonials

Don’t take it from us, here what our customers have to say

“The system is really helping us do our job efficiently and it is helping us in collecting or updating the data of our cooperative. The system helps us update our records day after day with clear data.”

Olive Nirere
Production Manager of CORIMAK

On my phone, when the money arrives, I immediately see a message. If I invested about 200 kilos of rice, I immediately see that they have put money equivalent to the office, if they remove the contribution of the cooperative, I immediately see that the contribution is gone."

Mukantore Marie Louise

Using technology, we think the management of cooperatives is good, first of all, the cooperative properly protects the list or property of its members in this technology, in the way of collecting their shares, in the way of collecting their crops, in the way of collecting their profiles, so that any information we can find in technology.

Bugingo Jean de Dieu

We have partnered with the best in Rwanda to make impact

about us

We are building Copa to change how cooperatives operate.

We are a team of dedicated entrepreneurs from Rwanda, deeply familiar with the unique challenges and opportunities of managing cooperatives.

Driven by our belief in the power of community, we've experienced firsthand the transformative impact cooperatives can have. Inspired by this, we've embarked on a mission to harness technology to empower these societies.

Our platform is designed to enhance the operational efficiency and reach of cooperatives, enabling them to empower their members to achieve more.

By integrating advanced tools for sales reporting, member management, inventory oversight, financial tracking, and seamless communication, we provide a comprehensive solution that supports the growth and success of cooperatives across Rwanda.

Join us in revolutionizing cooperative management and helping members thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape. Together, we can build stronger communities and create lasting change.


Discover tools and insights to help you run your cooperative.

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1 KN 78 St, Kigali.
Norrsken House Kigali